Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Solid foods: baby lead weaning

We started our little guy on solid foods when he was about 6 months and one week old. the extra week because we were traveling and it was more convenient for us to wait until we got home. Although on our trip, my brother and sister in law suggest that I feed him a sweet potato fry when we were out for dinner one night. But they did say it's always different for your first than your second. But I didn't want a fried food to be his first. But sweet potato was indeed his first food. Organic, baked but I think just in the microwave. He didn't care for it...of course. I tried a few more things and he just didn't seem in to it.

Then one day as I was munching on a baguette, as one does in Montreal, and he seemed really interested. So I gave him a hunk and he loved it. Just gummed it really, not much swallowing but it was much more enjoyable. Parents in my parent groups had talked about 'baby lead weaning' but I didn't know much about it and it sounded like an odd concept, or more accurately and odd title. But don't let the name fool you, it's basically just independent eating and letting the baby choose how much of solids they eat. Because BLW, as they call it, encourages your baby to eat whatever your eating, I was really drawn to it. I liked the idea of variety, exploration, learning of textures and tastes. So one day while out for lunch I gave him some veggies, bread and pulled pork. All hits.

We did this a couple times a day for a few weeks. I'd give him what we were eating or I'd have some veggies lightly steamed so he could more easily eat it. And fruit cut up. This guy just loves pear spears. It was really fun to watch him figure stuff out and spit out pieces that were too big. We did everything: carrots, zuc, cheese, tomato, pancake, hamburger, falafel.

We were bracing ourselves for disgusting poops (yes, let's face it, we're parents and talk about poo and pee far too often now. Although as a dog parent that started a long time ago for me). And none came. And that was the problem. Or was it? Our babe didn't seem like he was in discomfort but he'd go lots of days (I think 5 was the most) without pooping. I wondered where in the world it was being stored, he was eating (or gumming) lots of food. And breastmilk. So sadly, the last couple poos he's had make him cry a little as he passes them. I am not sure if it's because he's not used to being aware of what he's doing or they actually hurt. But crying while he poops makes this mama want to cry. And I had to do things to help the little guy out (no details).

Besides that solid foods and BLW was going wonderfully and I was really enjoying eating with my son. Then I went to a cafe and got soup. Ok, BLW, my baby should eat what I eat. So I happily spooned the pea soup into his mouth in between my own bites. He was crazy for it. Then I thought I'd really like him to eat fatty fat yogurt (and its so delicious here. skip ice cream, go with yogurt) especially because he needs to pack on some pounds. another spoon fed food. Soon enough, I created a monster. He wants the mush now. He realizes it's a easier and a faster way to get full. He cries for it. I am hoping it's just a phase because I miss throwing long spears of different foods in front of him and watching him explore for awhile. I obviously cannot deny my baby mushed food, soups, purees when he's asking for them but I did like being able to just give him some of what I had. Tonight I did soup (carrot and sweet potato), then yogurt, then I gave him the spears to explore and that seemed to work. I hope I can continue feeding him what I eat because I am not ready to go into making food specifically for him when there is so much good food out there to explore and eat.

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