Tuesday, March 12, 2013

What every parent really needs

If you're a new parents you'll quickly discover that during pregnancy the mother and father really should've acquired a few things to help them with their new baby. These things should be, in no particular order:
-Another set or 2 of arms. One arm for holding the baby, the other arm for doing something else and that extra one or two arms for helping you do something else. This something else could be anything: making food, eating that food, getting dressed, walking your dog, changing a diaper, catching the pee stream before it hits his face or the wall, talking on the phone, breastfeeding....it's endless!
-These arms would be ambidextros. There are often time where I find I am holding the baby in my right arm and am using my left arm to do things it has never done before. I often end up wearing the milk from my cereal or the pasta from my dinner. And I definitely misspell much more often.

-One piece of equipment that doesn't include the evolution of the human body is: a smart device. This, gentlemen, is the perfect gift for your pregnant wife or the pregnant woman in your life. My husband's brother gave us the first I-pad out of the blue when it came out years ago. And when we moved to Canada I upgraded my phone to an I-phone so I could use Google Voice to text my American peeps (post on that coming soon). It turns out this is a godsend to anyone with a child.

Scenario One: you're breastfeeding and cannot flip pages to that huge book you've been dying to read and now have a few minutes to do so while your babe eats. Enter the Kindle. Turn pages with the flick of a wrist. Read your  favorite magazine.

Scenario Two: You have a new baby. You haven't left the house for a few days. You can't find the energy to call all of those friends and family to tell them how you're doing. Youre kind of winging this parents stuff and don't want anyone to know (although everyone does, I think!). Ah ha! I've got this smart device! I'll just snap a cute photo of the babe and send a quick email. Then I'll go back to trying to get some sleep or getting my child to sleep.

Scenario Three: You've just worked really hard to get your baby to sleep but shit! He's sleeping on me! I am not tired because it's the middle of the day and I know I have to get some stuff done. Or I am not tired because I have a minute of 'me time' even with this baby on me. Yes! I'll use my smart device to look up that thing I've been meaning to. Listen to some music. Catch up on email.

Scenario Four: the app. There are tons of parenting applications out there. May be I'll blog later about my favorite. But I definitely love the white noise app for when you're traveling. No need to bring that sound machine--this travels with you. And it even has a lovely woman who will hum lullabies to your baby!

So you don't know what to get your lady as a push present (even though the baby itself is enough of a gift), ta-da! A smart device of your choosing! Saves every woman's sanity!

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