Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Finding a doctor in Quebec

We're American. And we had health insurance. So we were used to most of our healthcare experiences being available and efficient. We heard rumors about Quebec and how health care is good here as long as you don't get sick! Well, I wasn't 'sick' but I was very pregnant when I arrived in Quebec. We had a tip from a friend to start searching for a doctor 3 months before we even moved to Quebec. I had a small list of doctors and started calling while we still lived in the US. No one would take me as their patient despite the fact that I had been receiving excellent health care in the US, had an easy/health pregnancy and would have all of my records with me upon arriving.

I waited until I moved to Montreal to continue calling doctors in hopes of finding one. I think my list was 30 doctors long. I would call one doctor and then when they said they wouldn't take me, I would ask if they knew another doctor I could try. Someone needed to help me deliver this baby! After many, many attempts, I had one magic call one day where the secretary said 'Yes, she can take you'! Amazing! Of course, my appointment wasn't for another 3 or 4 weeks but I was thrilled to have a doctor.

Don't loose hope in finding a doctor in Quebec! But you should know it is nothing like the US system. You don't just see a doctor on your insurance site and call them up. Or hear from a friend that Dr. Johnny Begood is a good one. You seriously have to ask around. Ask everyone you know, even if you don't really know anyone. It's like a networking game. It can be daunting but it can be done. Someone has to help deliver your baby!

In the end, I had the best doctor and was really, really pleased with her. It was honestly shear luck though! Your American persistence will come in handy here!

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