Sunday, April 6, 2014

The possibility of bipolar emotions when Stay at Home

The swings of parenthood are a wild thing. One minute you're ready to poke your eye out with a fork because you can't handle the lack of sleep, screams, cries, poopy messes. You can't handle the stack of dishes to get to and the stack of enjoyment (books, emails, phone calls, runs) that would don't get to. But then the next moment you'll be overjoyed with the fact that your kid gave you a sweet hug and rubbed your back, that he said yes, please and thank you at one time. You'll be thrilled that your kid finds joy in small things that you like to--bark on trees, rain drops, the sound of birds. You love that your kid wants to read books the moment he gets up, that he add to your songs with hoorays and yeahs.
It is this very bipolar nature that actually drives me crazy. I am not sure it's because I am a stay at home mom, or new to this city with just a few friends (I dont have solid friends here to confide in my bipolar emotions) but it seems my emotions are intensified. Like anything in most people's lives, the good things get a bit glossed over and the bad things send you on a spiral where you lash out a bit. I am trying to make the first step...not to stop the bipolar emotions because really, my kid is a bit bipolar, as he should be. Things are blowing his mind and he's figuring it all out. But what I really want is for the low moments not to get me down. I don't want to blame my kid for them. I don't want to blame myself for them. I don't want to blame my husband, or this town, or the fact that I am far away from my family and feel lonely. I just want to recognize it and do just as I've said to my kid 'no, thank you.' Because you know what, in fact, we are living a good life here. And we have such good things going. I don't want to get further along in this life, in my story, and regret not soaking in all of this experience. But I don't want the bad to outshine the good, I want to forget the crap and just remember the shining moment like when my kid first got the concept of 2, walked his first steps, conveyed his opinion in a thoughtful way and laughed with me in the tub. This is my life and I choose to try to accept things as they are--I only get one life and so far one kid.

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