Sunday, April 6, 2014

Hardship of a traveling husband

My husband travels a lot for work. A lot. We figure he's gone about 1/4 of the year. And he's not just popping over to some close by city...he is always around the world, quite literally. He's many time zones ahead of us and a big long flight. While he's away I am on baby duty all by myself. When he first left when my baby was quite young, it didn't feel that much different bc I was really the carer (with the boobs). Yeah, my meals suffered a bit (my husband is an awesome cook) and there was monotony in washing dishes every night but I was ok. But now, I get pretty run down bc he's more involved in bed and bath time and also on weekends. Plus my kid gets up early early (think 4 or 5am) and barely naps, so my work day is long and I crash at the end of it. Not to mention taking care of our furry boy which adds a loved but sometimes difficult 2 walk quota.
The real hardship is that we are both completely gutted at the end of his trips. He's exhausted from intense weeks of work, long travel, jet lag. But I am exhausted from baby care, dog care, house care. I feel like I need a break and he feels like he needs to sleep in a few days. I can count on one hand, may be 2 the number of times i've 'slept in' in the last year and a half. I don't blame him. Shit, I'd want to sleep in and relax too. But he can't blame me either. Not only should I get to sleep in, but I should have stiff cocktails for a week, followed by massages. It's a no win situation.
Obviously this is all made harder by the fact that we don't have family here to sit with our baby one morning or take him out to the park. It's just me and my hubbie, doing the best we can, trying to continue to honor and love one another. We do a good job but man, sometimes it falters. New babies in a new city are a hard thing.

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