Friday, August 9, 2013

Baby logs, Type 2: Your kids shitty sleep

As my kid entered into his 3rd month is seemed that his sleep was getting worse and worse. I thought sleeping 2-3 hours was bad, but it turns out it was going to get much worse (that is my babe went through weeks of only sleeping 30 mins at a time). In my logs I was trying to see if there was a pattern to this bad sleep. And we also started a bed time routine.

At 3 months, we started with a bottle, book and swaddle and then the boob. We'd try at least 3 times to put him down most nights. That is, he'd wake up with his 30 min cycle and we'd have to rock and sing, give boob, whatever we could to get him to sleep so we could survive! We started trying to get him off of the boob and began rocking and singing to him to get to sleep at some point. We'd spend hours just getting him to sleep beyond 30 mins (usually 1-3 hours trying to get him to sleep in a 2 hour chunk)

In these logs I kept track of:
Pre bedtime sequence
Wake ups in the night (varying from 3-6)
And I'd also keep logs of how many times he'd eat during the day, typically 8-12 times a day

I kept this log for far too long (3 weeks with a pause and then started up again for 3 more weeks). I guess may be it made me feel like I was understanding what was happening or could find a pattern or find the magic-turn-3-times-pat-your-babies-belly-just-so and sleep will come sequence. It never happened. Sleep sucked for his 4th to 5th month. We resorted to him sleeping in the swing all of this month and it helped...a little. We also started bathing him about 3 weeks into this bad month. I was a walking zombie. No joke.

Then came the next log: sleep training.

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