Thursday, November 7, 2013

Christmas Tradition Ideas

We really like the idea of having family traditions for our family, especially during the holidays. The only tradition we had in my family was to see a movie on Christmas Day.  My husband has more traditions but I think we'll carry forward a nice brunch with monkey bread and also slippers filled with goodies for Saint Nick Day. Some other ideas that I like:
-Volunteering at a soup kitchen for both Thanksgiving and Christmas
-Giving a few of your current toys away
-Making cookie day
-Reading a christmas story every night for the month of December
-Advent calendar with family activities for each day or week
-Orange in the toe of stocking
-Christmas Eve box with pjs, movies and snack to be watched during break
-Get a tablecloth, and some colored permanent markers. Trace the hands of all present for dinner, and write something you're thankful for in the hand. Date it too, and then it's really fun the next year. 
-Going for a nighttime walk
-eating dinner by candlelight. 

Making tree decoration a tradition in itself-the music, hot cocoa, popcorn-

-Christmas Eve dinner and Christmas Day brunch the same dishes year in year out made the meals tradition and ceremony.

-Buying gifts for children/families in need. 

-An annual outdoor excursion (when kids are older) a special hike